Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An ode

"HOW I LOATHE THEE" by Laura Stoddard

Humidity, Humidity, destructor of my hair
Your breath is filled with stickiness,
Suffocating all the air
Humidity, Humidity! Alas, be gone! Go forth!
I feel the life force being sucked from me,
how I envy my sister up north.

Humidity, you're a scoundrel,
do you see what you've done to my skin?
I glisten like a froggie's back,
My mascara runs down to my chin.

That I had the breath of a thousand cool breezes
to blow you into Hades--
So just know, you foul, dirty, clingy old veil
You're as wanted as a dog with rabies.


Heidi said...

love it. sums up my feelings perfectly. ;)

Jennifer M said...

AMEN to that!

Mix Family said...

i'm laughing, laughing out loud right now! and i'm so GLAD that i don't live in that hot inferno of desert dritherness (i made that word up myself). what i COULD use is a couple hours of phoenix sunshine. good grief, it's gray up here. gag a maggot.

Stephanie said...

We just came back from Belize and I only had to endure a week of humidity. But being pregnant, the worst part was the smells that humidity intensifies! You should send your poem to my mom.