Monday, March 30, 2009

What cupcake flavor are you?

You Are a Chocolate Cupcake

You are deep, richly interesting, and at times overpowering. You have a strong personality.

You are drawn to people who adore you. You love it when your specialness is recognized.

You are like a cupcake because it's hard for people to get enough of you.

You have a mysterious charm that makes you incredibly addicting. People are drawn to your drama.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

this aptly describes the anger i feel towards stupid drivers...

a quandary

i think i'm a reasonably intelligent woman, able to grasp at least some of the deeper mysteries of life. so tell me why--at 29 years of age--i can't work an eyelash curler. does anyone else have this problem? i either pinch my skin, or poke my eyeball, or bend some of the lashes into an L-shape. An unnatural looking L-shape. not a nice curved C-shape. seriously. am i the only idiot? what is the correct way to operate this intricate piece of apparatus?

here's another quandary. who decided that glasses/cups should be stacked UPSIDE DOWN? i've never understood that one. that puts the rim of the glass on the surface of the cupboard. what if there are little cruddies or stickies in the cupboard? then they get all over the rim of the glass. grosses me out.

and here's one more: do you think i would get arrested for throwing eggs at cars? i'm speaking specifically of the cars that sit out in the intersection, waiting to turn left, who block YOUR path, once YOUR light turns green, so that about five of them can run the red light and turn left. MAKES---ME---HULK---ANGRY. easter's coming up. maybe people would appreciate beautifully decorated eggs being hurled at them. who knows?

hey, who else doesn't feel like working today?! raise your hand!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top O' The Mornin'!

Happy St. Patty's Day!
From the greatest Ireland-based movie ever!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The workspace of a genius

Tis finished. Revisions on the book are finished! i spent a lot of time out in the glorious AZ sunshine this weekend, working on it. finished last night, and took a picture of the workspace, i don't know why...anyway. i'm patting myself on the back. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Monday, March 9, 2009


Since i'm not yet ready to reveal my manuscript to the world, i figured i could at least put the summary down here. feel free to share. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

This movie will make your day every time

so this weekend i cleaned out my closet, which is to say, i pulled out the bags and bags of 'skinny clothes' i've been toting around for like the past 8 years, and i kind of set up a store in my closet. i've got all my pants/jeans laid out according to size, and hopefully, as the weight-loss thing continues, i'll get to progress further and further down the line to the smaller stuff. HOPEFULLY. anyway, it's monday, and since monday's generally bite, here's something to make you smile: