Thursday, October 15, 2009


Guess what hip, young, aspiring author just got her FIRST official publishing offer in the mail?!!!!!! YESYESYSYEYSYEYYEYSEYSEYSEYESYESYSEYS!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. I've been hyperventilating for about 20 minutes now, and can finally hold still enough to write this! I'd just gotten done working out and I got back to my apartment and saw that i had a UPS package at the front office. so i went down and saw that it was from a publishing company, and...based on the past few months...i just assumed it was a rejection letter. so i opened it right then, while I was talking to the apartment manager. but eyes started to tear up, and my feet started to run in place, and my voice went up about ten decibals and i was a weepy, squealy, spastic mess! Because this letter did NOT include the words "unfortunately", or "although" included the words, "We'd like to extend an official offer on your book, The Dream-Web Diaries of Gwenevere Stoker"!!!! So! this is ridiculously, exciting, and my cat is frightened, because I won't stop squealing and stomping and laughing maniacally, but I can't!. Finally, someone sees the value of my work! Finally, someone sees that my book R-O-C-K-S!!!! So...tonight I'm going to break the official seal and go over the contract with mom and dad, and....we'll see where things go from there. goal of becoming a published author before I turned 30 just slid under the radar. I'll be 30 in 7 days...and though my book may not be on shelves before then...I've got the offer in hand baby. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Woo hoo! Woo hoo! Woo hoo!


Unknown said...

Unbelievable!! Well, not really! You are an amazing writer..... so - I'll be joining you in the 'happy dance' around the kitchen table in ONE hour! What awesome news!!!!

Allison said...

Congrat's how exciting!!! I can't wait to read it!

Heidi said...

SAAAAAAAAH-WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!your final laugh is the best!!! so happy! you're making me cry all over again!

A.Horn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY....And, I want to get in on the happy dance....but alas, i am in idaho... i will be doing it solo in your honor!!!
Love ya...

Trent and Dianne Rencher said...

WOW move over Harry and Bella! Congratulations we are thrilled for your success...keep up updated!

Mix Family said...

oh lolly, i'm trying not to cry watching your video because it's so exciting! caleb was totally mystified by your swirling and lack of breathing deeply! i'm so proud of you and so excited to see how this all unfolds. it's going to be like christmas everyday because the book will give back in so many ways. you are so talented! oh goodie, goodie for you!

Grandpa and Grandma Hillam said...

Way to Go!!!Laura!!! How exciting for you!! What great "bragging material" for you grand-parents!! I can hardly wait to brag to my Relief Society Sisters!

Cherie said...

So great. Congratulations. I better get your autograph soon before I have to wait in line.

Happy late 30th birthday. You are awesome.

Jessica B Photography said...

WOW! Congratulations!! So I just found your other blogs (oh, internet is such a useful snooping tool) and not only can you write, but you are creative and have mad style as well! I am so excited for you and your publishing offer!!! I hope all goes well with that and I can't wait to pick up my very own copy at the bookstore some day!