Monday, February 18, 2008

We're gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So my BFF Angie was in town this weekend (she's been teaching English in S. Korea for the past year) and we decided to do a super quick visit to California, to enjoy one of its glorious natural wonders---Knottsberry Farm. :) Which is not a farm, by the way, but a wondrous oasis of rollercoasters and other adrenaline-inducing fare. The weather was beautiful and the crowds were small, and we got to do all the rides we wanted to, which include some pretty out-of-control, death-defying rollercoasters.

We laughed ourselves sick and were exhausted by the end of the day. Angie took some pics and even videotaped us on one of the rides (it was a tamer one that ensured the camera wouldn't go flying into space). Glorious. I'll post those as soon as she sends 'em to me. here's a simulated video of the Xcelerator on Youtube.

Oh, and, yall know how there are those Toll Lanes on the California freeway? Well...Angie, who wasn't exactly paying attention to the road accidentally drove in there, and we had a major freak-out moment, thinking Holy Cow--we've crossed the barrier--surely there will be cops waiting for us at the end when we can't produce a card or something. Oh, the disappointment. It was like wanting to pull the fire alarm in school, then finally doing it and having nothing happen. Nothing happened! There was never a toll booth, or a check point--we just breezed by the crowded freeway at a goodly pace and nothing ever happened. Strange. Nice. But slightly disappointing. :)

Anyway, that was my weekend. Happy Monday all!


Heidi said...

i can't WAIT for the video of you guys on a ride!!! ha ha haaa It's like the time kathryn and i rode the screamer at californialand like 5 times just to see ourselves on the video screen at the end of it and compare scream-faces. :) I live for rollercoasters... it's been at least 3 years tho. when i was prego with luke that was my main craving!!! ROLLERCOASTERS!!! when angie comes home for good i say you two buy a sixflags somewhere and go into the thrill business!