Tuesday, June 10, 2008

i just got in from (TO) the windy city--!

so...chicago's pretty cool. its a fair bit bigger than phoenix, and a bear bit bigger than anchorage (i don't really know what that's supposed to mean...trying for clever). anyhow, it really brings back mission memories, because its just green and lush (and humid) everywhere. i think its beautiful. you know what else is beautiful? that Heidi and Dave and Luke are here. guys, luke has gotten so big. he is a talking fool. his key phrases are: "mmm, that's good" "what is that?"
"wanna see toys?" "where'd it go?" --i even got a "where'd lolly go?" when i walked away from the dinner table. victory!! my work here is done. :)

yesterday we drove around the pretty country side and kind of chilled, since i was kind of jetlagged. today me and heidi hopped onto the train and rode an hour into the heart of the city of Chicagee. cool place man. there are parks everywhere, dotted intermittently between gigantic skyscrapers, and many sculptures and outdoor amphitheaters. we went to an amazing art museum, and saw buckingham fountain and hit some shops on the Magnificent Mile (8 blocks of shopping). kathryn would love it. :) you'll also be happy to know that the largest public library in the world (yes the world; possibly the cosmos) is in downtown Chicago. how bout that? "is this heaven...?"