Tuesday, September 30, 2008

random stuff

so after i finished washing and drying all my laundry on saturday, i plopped it on my bed to put away a little later. a little later came, and low and behold, there's a big fat cat nesting atop all my freshly washed clothes. really? of all the places to lay.....REALLY? gross.

i know what you're thinking; that these viking horns must be for a costume of some sort. a halloween costume perhaps... but no. this is just my new hat--for all occasions. (combined with morning hair, like mine, this is going to be the hottest trend of the season).

Dinner last night. Yes, MY dinner. are we all impressed? don't be. i bought the skewers this way, but it was still delicious and kind of home made. :)

My little touches around the office. i have HAD IT with walking into the breakroom to fill up my water bottle and finding all 3 ice cube trays totally empty (or having only one little piddly cube left....) so i left a little note on the fridge. i can get away with leaving these kind of notes because...well, it's me...and they know i'm just kidding. or am i...?


Mix Family said...

ha, ha ,ha!! we looked at the fat cat and said "meow, meow"! caleb stared and stared. she and caleb would get along famously. as i was stretching this morning, he kept sitting on my face. they find the most unconvenient places to park their buns. and the hat, the hat. i'll pull mine out today and wear it all over town and no one will even care. yumm-o and schmartie with buying the skewers. drooling. we are dancing to cha-cha-cha right now. great songs. we'll be dancing all morning!