Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello, my name is Laura...and I'm a purseaholic

so everyone knows...i have a bit of an addiction to buying purses. i love them. LOVE THEM! muahahahaha! so, here was my project yesterday. What you can't see are the purses hung on the sides too. i know, i'm a nerd. Before: After: and, just because...


Mix Family said... almost have as many purses as books you've read. the "after" organization is marvelous. and i was laughing my head off watching sharkie come out of the blanket, her belly almost dragging to the floor as she pranced across the blanket, getting to the edge of the bed and then flicking her tail back and forth saying, "okay, what's next?!"

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on your book! that is so exciting! My sister Whitney finished her first one not long ago too. You two should hook up and edit for each other. Such talent! how are you anyway? You look great! Hope everything is good.