Friday, March 13, 2009



Heidi said...

the final freeze frame on your face is pretty funny. ;) but that's a great way to say good morning and TGIF!!! thanks! you're eyes look reeeeally green.

i'm so excited about the book being proofed! proof proof proof!!! great word.

Mix Family said...

the camera freezes at the end and you look, well, STONED! or like hissss in jungle book, trying to hypnotize someone! har, har ,har! and holy heck, your face is getting skinny! can't stand waiting for your book to start rolling out....yeeehawww!

Amy said...

You don't know me, but I was referred off your sis's blog to read your book blurb. Sounds cool! and girl, I am lovin' your playlist. I don't even know where to begin..."Oh, Sherrie", "I Die Without You" and did I actually see "A Horse With No Name"??? You might honestly be the only person alive with that song on their blog. You have great taste and I'm picking up the same crazy sense of humor as Kate.