Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slew of Videos from the Premiere

"Wolf" from American Gladiators getting the crowd pumped

The man of the hour has arrived!! Just cruised in on a Harley. Hugh Jackman is over on the stage (that we can't see) talking in his adorable Australian accent. here are some snippets...

As the crowd started to chant, "Wolverine...Wolverine" all muscly 6'3" of him ran on stage. try to ignore the big hairy elbow that takes up the screen towards the end. idiot.

Ryan Reynolds making his first appearance. i think i might have peed my pants. Oh, dreamy...

Liev Schreiber signing autographs. He was the coolest with the crowd. He really took a lot of time to sign everything he could, eventually just sitting down on the stage.

And...saved the best for last. Ryan was thrown this tacky, 80's sports jacket, and he was commenting on the shoulder pads. Le pant...Le wheez...


Heidi said...


Mix Family said...


Mix Family said...

now that i'm done yelling and running in place, i must tell you that i'm quite impressed with your proximity maximization...NICE job. so fun to live vicariously through you! what fun to see major movie star hotties up close and personal. um, i think we're having a party when the salmon start running up river. want me to take some videos of the festival happenings downtown? i'm sure wolverine fun would pale in comparison to a bunch of ugly fish swimming up the river...and last year elton john came to town. alaska is about as happening as a pair of granny panties but it's getting prettier by the day up here. summer is a'comin'.