Monday, February 15, 2010

Beware Target Shoppers!

I was sneak attacked on Saturday in my friendly, neighborhood Target. I was shopping in the makeup aisle for a few little things when all of the sudden a cute little old lady in a black apron appeared and asked if she could help me find what I was looking for. I naively said yes, not realizing that she had no intention whatsoever of helping me find what I wanted, but instead, she was prepared to help me find (force on me) what SHE wanted me to have. Namely, various and sundry products created by Boots Cosmetics. (Why didn’t I notice the logo on her apron sooner?) There I sat, on her little stool, in the middle of the aisle, getting a full-on makeover before I even realized what was happening. Sponges and q-tips were flying, powder of various shades hovered around us like a cloud, and my face experienced several transformative looks, as her little fingers applied & removed—applied & removed--different foundations, eye shadows, and lip glosses—none, of course, that either looked good on, nor appealed to me. All I could do was nod politely as she asked if I liked certain things, because responding in the negative would’ve only resulted in her thrusting further tubes and bottles at me. Of the myriad products she loaded me up with, only one made it to the register. The others found new homes in various nooks and crannies around the store as I wound my way up to the front.

I was sneak attacked. At Target. Just trying to get a cheap, $1 Wet-N-Wild eyeliner pencil.


Heidi said...

boots is supposed to have a really good antiwrinkle cream that i want. maybe i'll try to get sneak attacked today! ;)

i thought we were going to get a before and after picture of you! maybe you can recreate it. ;)

grammy mel said...

So funny! I just see it all now. You trying not to be rude, while being pursued by a little sales person intent on selling you all kinds of cosmetics. I'm sure you looked beautiful - dahling!

Mix Family said...

beware the little old lady in the make-up aisle. how funny that you left little cosmetic gifts around the store. i'll keep my eye out next time i'm at target.